Thursday, October 24, 2013


The image above uses rule of thirds correctly. The man & women in tattoos are far in the corner. They grab the attention of peoples eye. Especially because they have tattoos. The other side of the picture, there's nothing going on. Its basically empty, its a wall. This is a good example of rule of thirds.


The image above is a good example of leading lines. It feels like the picture is inviting you to walk inside. It guides you. Its really cool because the background looks scary. Like an old movie where someone is about to get killed. This is a good example of leading lines


The image above is a great example of filling the frame. You can only see pistachios. Like if the image was abundant with them. The cool thing is that in the middle of all of them you can see a colorful m&m. It brings your attention more to the m&m but when you see the full image yo cant see nothing else but pistachios. This is why this image is a great example of filling in the frame.

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