Monday, October 28, 2013

Personal Compostion

                                                                   Fill The Frame
                                   Both of these pictures are cropped. The main thing in the image is the dog & the lines on the first picture, This is a good example because the pictures are zoomed in so nothing else can be seen but the image. The second picture, it has a little bit of background on the corner. It can still be used because the person that is seeing the image is focused on the dog. Both of these images are good examples of fill in the frame. On the first image, the whole picture is filled it with that thing that i have no idea what it is. There is no background. Although there is shadows, the main thing in the picture is that thing. On the second  image, the picture is really crisp & zoomed in. You can see the little details in the dog. These are both good examples of fill in the frame. The first image is pretty good but the second image i can work ion the corner & not adding any background.

                                                            Leading Lines
Both of these pictures are straight on leading lines. The second image is kinda not perfectly straight because the seats are all sideways,. But in both images you can still feel like the pictures are guiding you somewhere. Like as i they where directions. The  main subject on the image is the bench. The bench is kinda wet. There is people ion the background that are kinda blurred out. The bench is kinda leading you to keep forward. Almost as if you could walk into it. The second image are also benches. They are three benches that aren't straight. They feel as if they where arrows guiding you to keep going forward. Both of these images are good examples of leading lines because they are like directions. The image makes you feel like its taking you somewhere. Both of these are good examples. I wouldn't change anything.

                                                                 Rule of Thirds
The point of intersect in the first image is in the lower corner. In the second image the point of intersection is in the top left corner. The second picture, Melissa was just walking & decided to walk by & photo bomb me. This is a good example because in the first image, if you put the lines. on the image it will perfectly go into the lower corner, same for the second image,. If you put the lines, Melissa's head will be perfectly in the top corner. I would take the blur of the second picture. that's the only thing i would change.

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