Monday, December 9, 2013

Creative controls

                                                               Part #1

1) Which Aperture makes a wider hole in the lens for light to come through? F/3.5
2) Which Aperture lets more light into the camera to hit the image sensor? F/5.6
3) Which Aperture keeps more of the foreground and background in focus? F/11.
4) Which Shutter Speed is faster? 1/200 second.
5) Which Shutter Speed keeps the door in the camera open for more time? 1/30 second
6) Which Shutter Speed is best for stopping action? 1/200 second.


                                                                Part #2

Set 1: AV mode f2.7, f5.6, f8
There is not a lot of difference between these images even tho each one has a different F stop. The first image has a shallow depth a feel & the rest have deep depth of feel, that's thanks to the F stop. The lower the F stop the wider the hole is if the len. It lets more light in.


Set 2: TV mode 1/10, 1/60, 1/500 PERSON NOT MOVING 
For the 1/10 there image came out so wash out for some reason everything came out super bright. For the other 2, thery came out pretty similar, they are both in focus & they look pretty good in color although its pretty dark & the colors look solid. i couldn't get my partner in the

Set 3: TV mode 1/10, 1/60, 1/500 PERSON MOVING
For the firsdt one my partners hand is really blurry & the whole picture is really washed out. For the second one my partners hand is a little blurry & everything else looks good. The third one was really good & it stopped the motion completely. I think i did a pretty good job on getting my partner in the same position.

                                          Set 4: TV mode 1/10, 1/60, 1/500 PANNING

For the panting everything had to do with the shutter speed. Since the shutter speed was too low in the first one i git my partner really blurry. In the second one i kind of stropped the motion but theress still blur to it. In the third one i completely stopped the motion.

Part #3
1) Depth of feel means when everything in focus, when you can see little details.
2) i don't know
3) a shutter speed of 1/10 makes a moving object look blurry & a shutter speed of 1/500 stops the motion.

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