Friday, November 15, 2013


Man Made

Both picture are man made.  The first images a picture of water fountains put together.What i like about this picture is that everyone walks through this water fountain but i don't think nobody has ever stopped to look at it from this angle. The first water fountain looks crisp & as each water fountain passes the image starts to blur little by little. I think images like that are cool. The second image is a picture of the concrete. Its pretty simple but i like the way it looks once i saw it. Its all blueish, almost as if it where from outer space. There is a little but of purple in the corner that makes it looks even cooler. That's why i like both of these images.


Both of these images are man made. I like the first one because i caught Danny & Ryan wearing the same sweater so i decided to take a picture. i like the first sweater is a little blurry & the second one is perfectly crisp. It likes nice. The yellow makes it stand out. The second image, i tried to get the shadow of the bench but i didn't really focus on it. What i like is that when you see the regular bench it looks ass if it where perfectly straight. Although when you see the shadow you can obviously sere that's they are not. But the benches look the same, that's the pattern. I really like the time of day too. this is why i like the picture.

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