Thursday, June 12, 2014


In this image i learned that the background matter ! The background is one of the most important factors in  taking a picture. I liked this picture because my model actually looks like a serial killer.

In this picture i learned to sit the model by themselves, because if you have more than one person they start to play around. Models are a rare species. I picked this picture because i like the expression in Chuys face.
In this picture i learned that you need to tan your models. jk, i learned that you need to tell the model when your gonna take the picture because then the eyes come out looking somewhere else. I also like the expression in Anthonys face

In this image i learned that an image can also be taken horizontally. I like this image because she looks stunning & i like how her clothes are matching

In this image i learned that you can make a portrait out of anything, including your hands ! I like this picture because of tyhe expression in Chris's face

In this image i learned to not take a picture when the model matches the background. I like this picture because of how i Photoshopped  myself.

In this image i lesrned that you can take good pictures of anything from point of views that you don't usually see. I like this image because i took it with the first cameras we used & it came out good.

In this image i learned to be careful with shadows because they are hard to photo shop. I like the fact that Chris looks like hes actually floating.

I learned that panning isnt the hardest thing in the world. Its as easy as pressing the shutter button half way. I like this image because of Mr. Pedersons pose.  

What i learned about this image is that taking a picture with rule of thirds can make an image look good. I like this image because shes doing a handstand. It doesn't get cooler than now.

What are my favorite things in this class ? EVERYTHING. But to be specific, i like all the posters. I like the working environment & most of all i like Mr. Pederson (:

The most important thing i learned about photography was that taking pictures is not just clicking the shutter button & boom. No it takes more than that. You need to check that its not washed out, the backgrounder is OK, the model has to be how you want it.

My advice would be "Don't talk when Mr. Pederson is talking !"

Mr. Pederson your the best (:

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