Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I took this picture without using the tripod & focusing on one person running. The challenges i had with with the sun light ! If the sun came out my entire picture would come out washed out & i wouldn't know how to change it.That is why we tried to stay inside a trees shadow for shade.

 I think i took the picture with a tripod & moving at the same speed as my partner. A challenge was getting the face focused. Sometimes i would get the face in focus but my partner was going slow so the picture didn't come out blurry. There wasn't a lot of space where i was working at.
 I took this picture with my tripod & moving the same speed & keeping time was a technique i used. A challenge i faced was the sun once again! also zooming in & zooming out was a challenge.
I used my hands to hold the camera, i didn't use a tripod. There was only one space with shade where Mr. Peterson would come so i had to take a picture right when he was passing thru the shade or he would come out washed out. That was a major challenge. Also focusing on his face.

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