Tuesday, December 17, 2013


                                        what was our inspiration? Dragon Ball Z ! We wanted to capture a moment where they are doing the Kame Hame Ha, although we needed a beam, we did a good job capturing me in mid air. Something that was very complicated was finding someone who would want to jump up & get6 dirty. Nobody wanted to do it so i has to do it, Also i cant jump high so i had to run up & jump which made things harder freeze the image completely. The jumping part, i ran up. The getting dirty part, i just put on a sweater.

I think this one is obvious. The Vader ! Chris has super powers that is making me & Chato choke. A very big technical challenge was the timing. We started counting before we did the jump. Also the faces we made. It had to make us look like we where in pain

Monday, December 9, 2013

Creative controls

                                                               Part #1

1) Which Aperture makes a wider hole in the lens for light to come through? F/3.5
2) Which Aperture lets more light into the camera to hit the image sensor? F/5.6
3) Which Aperture keeps more of the foreground and background in focus? F/11.
4) Which Shutter Speed is faster? 1/200 second.
5) Which Shutter Speed keeps the door in the camera open for more time? 1/30 second
6) Which Shutter Speed is best for stopping action? 1/200 second.


                                                                Part #2

Set 1: AV mode f2.7, f5.6, f8
There is not a lot of difference between these images even tho each one has a different F stop. The first image has a shallow depth a feel & the rest have deep depth of feel, that's thanks to the F stop. The lower the F stop the wider the hole is if the len. It lets more light in.


Set 2: TV mode 1/10, 1/60, 1/500 PERSON NOT MOVING 
For the 1/10 there image came out so wash out for some reason everything came out super bright. For the other 2, thery came out pretty similar, they are both in focus & they look pretty good in color although its pretty dark & the colors look solid. i couldn't get my partner in the

Set 3: TV mode 1/10, 1/60, 1/500 PERSON MOVING
For the firsdt one my partners hand is really blurry & the whole picture is really washed out. For the second one my partners hand is a little blurry & everything else looks good. The third one was really good & it stopped the motion completely. I think i did a pretty good job on getting my partner in the same position.

                                          Set 4: TV mode 1/10, 1/60, 1/500 PANNING

For the panting everything had to do with the shutter speed. Since the shutter speed was too low in the first one i git my partner really blurry. In the second one i kind of stropped the motion but theress still blur to it. In the third one i completely stopped the motion.

Part #3
1) Depth of feel means when everything in focus, when you can see little details.
2) i don't know
3) a shutter speed of 1/10 makes a moving object look blurry & a shutter speed of 1/500 stops the motion.