Friday, March 21, 2014

Inner Child

 I chose this picture because its a very seductive pose by my model Anthony. Also i think he looks really funny he he. I really like the background in this picture although i could have made it better by adding a greater depth of feel. I feel like i did a good job with the lighting.

 I also chose this picture because i think he looks really funny. I don't know why but my models skin color is white in the picture & the background is darker so that makes my model stand out a little more than usual which makes the picture a little better.

My model Chuy also looks pretty funny in this picture. The lighting & the background are pretty good. I made sure to take pictures of my models in the same spot because i thought it would look better

This picture makes me laugh because of Chuys hair. He looks like a disproving parent. I didn't like how his sweater looks brighter thanks to the contrast of the background, but the picture is still good.

1. My experience with each model was good. Especially with Anthony because he had so many faces & hes a funny person in general. His face expressions where so good. Chuy was also a good model. Although at the end it was a little hard to take pictures because he had ran out of emotions. All his pictures looked funny because of his new haircut. Definitely a challenge we had was lighting. since our class is in the morning, sometimes the sun decides to come out which makes the pictures look a little different. My challenge with Anthony was the reflection of his glasses. I couldn't see his eyes. A difficulty i had with Chuy was his hair cut. I had taken a couple of pictures of Chuy but thanks to his hair cut i had to start all over. My models had a lot of successes. I don't think i had 1 single picture where they weren't modeling. They where both really focused on what they where doing. Especially because this assignment was pretty fun to do.

2.My experience as a model was pretty good. I only wanted to come out in one of the pictures so i could have more time to do my own. I think i had some funny faces. I had to stay focused & hear what my photographer wanted & not be boring. Being a model can help you a lot as a photographer. A photographer works behind the camera but if hes a